Monday, March 30, 2009


i love my weekends off but i have absolutely no patience for the weekend crowds! as much as possible, i try to avoid the mall. plus the weather has been so i great so i knew it'd be traffic and crowded everywhere. so we just stayed local.

at his beautiful church in oakland, spring has definitely sprung!!

i wonder who does their gardening? all the flowers were so beautiful!

we headed to berkeley to check out some shops but it was crowded too!
while i was at sway boutique, he was busy chasing down red bull people for a free can!

CHEESEBOARD GOURMET: great pizza, this place has people waiting in line for their super yummy pizza. they only serve one kind a day and it's always a hit. the crust is super thin and crunchy! this was a zuchinni with pesto, mozerella and etc. it's always vegetarian i think.

waiting in line at the CHEESBOARD for some goat cheese:

after that, went home and got ready for a fun-filled night at WET night club in san jose!

after church on sunday, infront of his house, waiting for chard and emily to pick us up for lunch @ the counter.


m.roq said...

hey girl..i have the same top/dress (target!) whatup, but i have the printed one..i was going to get that color too...hahaha cute pics ;)

Anonymous said...

i love the flower pix! so clear